Reviews and Testimonials

We Love Reviews!
Customer feedback is how we know we’re on track, and reviews are a great way to help other customers find us. Here are some testimonials we’ve received, and if you feel so inclined scroll down for a list of places you can leave us a review.
“I finally made it by the shop today, I got to see Sharon (it’s been too long) and meet Porter (what a great boy), and best of all, see the new shop. Robert has put together something truly special at RBB, something our cycling community has been missing for a long time. Beside it being the coolest bike shop I’ve had the pleasure to visit, it is what we all want, great work at a great price from someone we all trust.
I have been my own wrench since taking a mechanics class with Robert a several years ago, but when it comes to something I’m just not comfortable with or a tune up for a big race he is the man. As a matter of fact, he is the only wrench to ever work on my bikes…period.
We need shops like this and people like Robert and Sharon, so please support them in their efforts to support us. I look forward to seeing RBB grow into what I know will be one of the premier bikes shops in our area.”
~Sonny L. (November 10th, 2012)

Want to leave us a review? Here are some places you can do that!
Red Barn Bicycles Google+Local Page
Red Barn Bicycles Yelp Profile
To submit a Last Word item to the Virginia Gazette, call (757) 345-2300 or email